Traditions are everything

ZÁKLADNA is the place where you can find Czech gold from the tank served with love and good food.

Our story Náš příběh

The freshest Pilsner and the most delicious food

We believe that traditions are everything. Therefore, we make sure that each  tapster can tap beer at the highest level, and each chef turns fresh ingredients into the unique taste experience.

When a work of art is successful, it must be perpetuated

Look what you can have at Základna. Great food includes the perfectly tapped Pilsner. This will be a feast!

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In the kitchen, we pride ourselves on fresh ingredients from local suppliers and traditional, generations passed on to generations.

The Hladinka is the standard Pilsner Urquell pour, with three fingers of foam on top of the golden lager.

59,- Kč

The Šnyt, pronounced ‘shnit’, has two parts beer, three parts foam and one part empty space at the top of the glass.

47,- Kč

The creamy Mlíko brings out the rich aromas of the Saaz hops and the sweetness of our malt. It’s a glass full of wet foam with just a bit of beer at the bottom.

47,- Kč

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